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Club member Wade Bearfield has been gracious enough to volunteer his time and effort to donate to the club a hand-made knife each month for 12 months.

Each month we're holding a raffle for the knife and all proceeds go directly to help offset the monthly payment for the new land purchase.


Tickets are available at the Korner Restaurant in Rimersburg and the Sportshack in East Brady.  Tickets are only $5.

Hurry and get yours today as only 50 tickets total are available!

Winners to be drawn at the following month's
club meeting.

July 2022

Our knife for July is a slim general purpose style. Wade crafted the blade from tool steel and it is heated treated and hardened for durability and edge holding.  The handle is full-tang construction with beautiful brass pinned scales.


Wade also hand-crafted a leather belt sheath for easy carry.


Click any image to see the full size.

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